Tuesday, November 27, 2007

Obey, Know and Love

I was reading a daily devotional this morning, and it was written from Jesus' point of view. One of the things He said (according to the book), is along the lines of "When you pray about My will, don't ask for the strength to obey it. Instead, pray to know Me and to love Me, and then you will delight in My will."

I really thought about that, and I think it is so true. If I truly know Jesus, that will without a doubt cause me to love Him, and doing whatever He asks of me will be my delight. As each of these increases (knowing Him more, loving Him more), my will has got to become less and less important, and the joy of serving Him grow stronger and stronger.

It's the same with worship. If I pray to see Jesus, really see Him, I can only respond with worship, for He is truly beautiful and good and loving and wise and powerful. I don't pray for the Holy Spirit to make me a worshiper, but rather that He would open my eyes to see Jesus.

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