While I would prefer that these walls would be removed brick by brick, I dread the thought that that won't be the way it is. Something tells me that a Jericho experience is what is required, and this is what terrifies me. It isn't the outcome I fear, but the process.
Most people don't want crooked or misaligned teeth. But most people don't want to wear braces, either. It is painful. Ugly. Inconvenient. A lengthy process. Those who have them count the days until they are removed, and often celebrate by eating foods that had been forbidden.
It is my prayer that God will do what is necessary to bring me in alignment with His will and good purposes for me. It may be painful, and at times it may get ugly. It is most certainly inconvenient and will probably take the rest of my lifetime. But when it is completed, I will be rewarded with a beautiful smile. His.